Of course, everybody wants to know that the dental instrument that is used during their exam has been thoroughly sanitized. It would certainly be disturbing to learn otherwise. While your safety and peace of mind are certainly a priority, there are also certain dental sanitization guidelines that must be met.
It is our duty to you and your family to ensure that our space is kept clean and sterile for each and every visit. In light of recent events, we wanted to take a moment to explain the protocols in more depth for your peace of mind and understanding.
Our dental office wants each patient that we serve to have a cornerstone of trust for us. We know that starts by giving each person the utmost care before, during, and after their treatment.
There are a variety of benefits to cleaning dental instruments. Of course, patient safety certainly tops that list, but there are other reasons as well. Including:
We want our office to be a place where our patients can feel comfortable. We always go above and beyond to make our space as clean as possible by utilizing the best equipment available.
One of the most important pieces of sanitation equipment is a dental autoclave. A dental autoclave is a sanitation machine that uses water pressure and high temperatures to clean a variety of instruments and devices. We use the best dental autoclave in the market to ensure that our patients get only the best results.
In addition to cleaning dental instruments, it is our policy to adhere to strict infection control guidelines that are supported by the American Dental Association. Such guidelines include:
All of these guidelines are put in place to maintain a safe environment and stop the spread of diseases. We know we play a critical role in the health of our patients, and we do not take that responsibility lightly.
Clean hands are an absolute must when working in any healthcare setting. Sterilization standards require that providers wash their hands in the following scenarios:
Dental professionals must wear gloves when touching the mouths of patients, and “overgloving” between patients is not allowed.
As you can see, there are particulars that we simply must do in order to maintain the highest dental care standards. Not only does this protect patients from the spread of the novel coronavirus, but all other infections as well. It’s a tedious process, but it is something we are more than happy to do for each and every one of our valued patients.
At our dental office, we do what it takes to make sure that our patients are served to the best of our ability. That means cleaning dental instruments, following guidelines, and keeping employees safe as well. We want people to trust our services, and that starts by providing a healthy and safe practice. We use only the top-of-the-line cleaning products and equipment to better serve you.
Patients can rest easy knowing that we are still employing the same sanitation protocol that is required of us. Our industry is held at a very high standard of cleanliness, and we want you to know that your health and safety remain our number one priority, not only during a worldwide pandemic. Cleanliness is key to a healthy and functioning dental facility, and we continue to provide that to every patient who enters our office.
If you would like more information, please don’t hesitate to contact our office. We want our patients to have as much information that they need to make an informed decision about allowing us to serve you. Contact our office to learn more.